Our Four Topics and Groups!

Hello everyone! We decided our top four topics; suicide prevention, early childhood development, sex education, and human trafficking. We have presented each of the topics to the class and are in the process of deciding our top choice! Check out all the information on each group’s topic!

One of our possible topic of choice is suicide prevention. Suicide prevention is a topic that comes up after the tragedy has already occurred. For so long, America has been reactive to suicide awareness and prevention. With so many individuals taking their own lives it is time that we, as a society, need to make suicide prevention a proactive intervention. We want to make  Public education sessions more available to address suicide awareness and prevention so it can show individuals where they can go in a time of need and it can teach individuals how to detect suicidal behavior. Holding public information sessions can build and bolster the relationships people need when suffering from suicidal thoughts.

Early childhood development is another area that our class may choose to focus on.  Early childhood is defined as birth to age five.  90 percent of brain development takes place within this period.  The experiences that children have during this time in their lives is significant.  The environment that children grow up in has an undeniable impact on who they become.  In the Green Bay area there is a lack of educational and physical development in children ages birth to five in low income families.  Children who grow up in poverty face challenges that can cause their development to be delayed.  With this topic, our goal would be to focus on programs that increase early childhood development opportunities for children in low income families.

Sex education has been both a controversial topic as well as an important topic to teach our children. The rate of teen pregnancy in Brown County is much higher than one would think. In 2016, 18 out of 1,000 teenage girls between the ages of 15-19 gave birth. Brown County has the second highest rate of teen pregnancy, with Milwaukee County being number one with 31 out of 1,000 teenage girls and Brown County tied with Racine County at 18 out of 1,000 teenage girls. These rates can change through proper sex education that teaches the responsibilities of being sexually active such as pregnancy, financial burden, risks of sexual assault, sex trafficking, emotional instability, limited education opportunities, STI/HIV/AIDS, physical compromise, and lifetime health issues. Our immediate goal is to increase the number of teenagers who understand and act accordingly to the ramifications of being sexually active. Ultimately, our goal is to decrease the number of detrimental outcomes that are a result of unprepared sexual participants.

One group in our classroom felt very strongly about the topic of human trafficking. Twenty one million people are affected by human trafficking globally. However this group’s presentation made it very clear that human trafficking is a problem in the state of Wisconsin and our own town. The group presented a local news clip on the subject, which can be seen on the link attached below this post. There is not enough awareness of human trafficking in our area. Therefore if this turns out to be our class’s topic, we will seek proposals from the community that raise awareness of human trafficking.




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