
Showing posts from February, 2018

Class Research and Presentations

Last week after much discussion, our class identified four problem areas in our community. These four problem areas included: Suicide Prevention, Sex Education, Early Childhood Development, and Human Trafficking. We then formed groups and interviewed individuals in the community who were well versed on our issues of choice, and did additional research to create a paper and presentation for our class. However, we had a late start to this week due to snow and ice storms here in Wisconsin, but our Strategic Philanthropy class really got the “snow ball” rolling and we were able to present our topics. After having listened to all four amazing and informative presentations, our class will reflect on the topics and come to a decision on our final topic area next class period.Check back for pictures and information on our class presentations! 

The Beginning of Our Journey

Hello, we are the 2018 Strategic Philanthropy Class at the University of Wisconsin Green Bay! We are thrilled to take part in an opportunity granted to us through the Learning by Giving Foundation. With this program, our class is given $10,000 to donate to a nonprofit organization of our choice. Over the semester, we will take part in a variety of discussions and activities studying different community needs. Together our class will decide on a cause within our community that needs attention. Nonprofit organizations related to the community cause will apply for our grant. We will examine these organizations carefully to select a recipient. Stay tuned for an inside look at our class adventures! The Learning by Giving Foundation / Please check out this short video and link to the organization's website to find out more about the Learning by Giving Foundation.