The Triangle for Human Trafficking

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The triangle that exists through Green Bay, Chicago, and Minneapolis is an avenue for human traffickers to transport their victims. Traffickers oftentimes start in Chicago, transport their victims through the Green Bay area and then take them westward to eastern Minnesota. Sometimes they come back to Chicago, which forms the triangle. This cycle of movement is repetitive in nature. Experts are aware of this triangle, yet are unable to completely stop all of the activity because the evidence can be difficult to detect. Much of this occurs near highways such as Interstate 94, which is the main road linking Chicago to Green Bay.
Other highways that may be being used by traffickers include I-43, I-41, I-29 and I-39. The triangle has been described by the Sexual Assault Center of Family Services, which is a group dedicated to supporting victims through much of the affected areas[i]. On their way to the Green Bay area, traffickers likely make stops along the way, particularly in Milwaukee due to its location near I-94. I-43 branches off from 1-94 as the highway goes from the Milwaukee area to the Green Bay area[ii]. The goal is to reduce and hopefully eliminate the ability that traffickers have to utilize these roads as transportation systems.


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